Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ahh the ball has dropped, the champagne has been toasted and now comes the… drum roll please…… New Year resolutions! Dum dum dum. Did you make any this year?

Oh sure, there are the usuals, you know the ones that seem to always make their way into your yearly list but then fall off by Valentines. The ever so famous “loose a few extra pounds”, this is such a popular resolution that diet pills and gym advertisements increase in frequency by 100 at the start of the year. I’ve come to wonder if we even actually make this resolution truly for ourselves, or if it’s for someone else or even purely habit. Maybe a better resolution would be to love ourselves, extra few pounds, or not. You would think that wouldn’t be a hard resolution to keep, but goodness aren’t we hard on ourselves. Heck, I sadly have to admit even reading blogs I’ll often wish I were “as perfect”.

So my New Years resolutions, that I’m hoping don’t fall off by Valentines, are to discover more of myself and more than that, to be happy with who I am, to volunteer my time and efforts more to help others and to spend more time enjoying even the little moments in life.

What resolutions did you make, or have made that didn’t work in the past?