Thursday, April 8, 2010

Make New Friends Party

I was blog hopping and came across this fun party:


Join in and maybe you’ll make a couple new friends along the way.

1. If you could describe your desired lifestyle in one word, what would it be?

2. What style of home is your "House of Dreams"?

Well if not here

mont-saint-michel-4Then definitely here

excelsior-springs-missouri-inns-innoncrescentlakeI adore Georgian Mansions. Oh to be a proper Southern Belle, accent and all!  
3. If you could live in a fictional story/movie, which would it be and why?

Beauty and the Beast- I love fairytales and it happens to be my favorite. Enchanted items, a prince, a castle what more could you need.
4. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Favorite kind?

Tea- I’m not a coffee drinker but I enjoy all kinds of tea, especially tropical. High tea is just one more reason to like tea.
5. Share the last sweet/romantic thing your hubby did for you.

Sent me a text as he left for work saying he missed me already. Awwwww.


Kristin said...

Hi Nikki! It's lovely to meet you...thanks for participating in our first ever Kindred Connection party! I enjoyed reading your answers. Oh that house! And your hubby is so sweet :-) Just by looking at your list of favorite things on your side bar, I can tell we have some things in common: hydrangeas (in case you couldn't tell from my blog design or anything), damask, waterfalls, iced tea, etc.! Hope you had a great day, and I'll look forward to getting to know you better! ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

Katie @ BurbTales said...

Hi Nikki! I was here yesterday, and your blog is just so cute I had to pass along a blog award to you today. Check it out at my blog when you have a minute. Hope you like it :)